Tag: nutrition

  • What 3 months of Keto taught me about myself?

    What 3 months of Keto taught me about myself?

    I don’t drink enough water. Being your average nerd, I survive on coffee. Gallons of coffee. I thought this was enough to keep me hydrated. It turns out coffee is what they call a diueretic. I didn’t even know what this meant, but it makes you need to pee more! So I was hydrating myself…

  • Eat over 30 different plant foods a week to live longer!

    Eat over 30 different plant foods a week to live longer!

    There is a new recommendation that we should consume over 30 different plant foods a week. This comes from new research by the American Gut Project. The theory being that a varied diet that includes a wide range of plant-based foods can help promote health and prevent chronic diseases. Eating a diverse range of plant-based…

  • Confusion Over Nutrition

    Confusion Over Nutrition

    There are several factors that have contributed to confusion over proper nutrition, and some of these factors have contributed to the rise of obesity in many parts of the world. One major factor is the abundance of processed and convenience foods that are high in calories, sugar, and unhealthy fats. These foods are often marketed…

  • The Definition Of Nutrition

    The Definition Of Nutrition

    Nutrition is the study of how nutrients and other substances in food affect the body’s growth, development, and overall health. Nutrients are substances in food that provide energy, support growth and maintenance of body tissues, and regulate various bodily functions. There are six main types of nutrients that are essential to the body: A balanced…