I don’t drink enough water.
Being your average nerd, I survive on coffee. Gallons of coffee. I thought this was enough to keep me hydrated. It turns out coffee is what they call a diueretic. I didn’t even know what this meant, but it makes you need to pee more! So I was hydrating myself to dehydration! As part of my ketogenic diet I have been consciously drinking lots of water and it’s been quite the transformation.
I consume too much sugar.
Cutting sugar out of my diet completely has made me realise how much I craved sugar! And the more sugar you have the more you want. It turns out sugar is really bad for you. I would crave a fix at night and this would keep me awake and I would stay up late watching television. Staying up late meant I can’t get up in the morning and then I drink gallons of coffee to wake up and so the cycle goes.
I don’t get enough sleep.
I was getting by on 4-5 hours sleep a night. Cutting out sugar led to me going to bed earlier. I also got up much earlier, but I’d had a longer and better sleep.
I can lose weight. Fast.
I’ve been logging my weight daily and I’m losing on average a quarter of a kilo a day. Losing weight quickly is highly motivating and being able to fit into smaller clothes is highly rewarding.
I need to find a lifestyle diet.
As a result of the ketogenic diet I am getting up early, eating healthy, going to bed at a sensible time and drinking lots of water. And I’ve lost lots of weight. I don’t think it’s something that I would recommend as a long term diet. I think 3 months will be enough. There seems to be too many potential problems, but for losing weight fast, it’s been brilliant. I just need to find a healthy diet to maintain what I have achieved!
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